Monday, February 16, 2009

Woman misses flight and freaks out...

Just saw this on the news. This histrionic nimrod misses her flight from Hong Kong to San Francisco and goes into orbit. That's just stupid.



  1. Woman : "There's no humanity!"
    Old Man : "Please don't be like this."

  2. JARRIN, watching the "O'Reilly Factor"? Say it ain't so! You really ARE on death's doorstep, aren't you, asking forgiveness from the almighty pontificator of sensibility? Or maybe my comment on your eco-friends stirred you into middle-of-the-road/rightish tendencies?

    In any case, you guys must have missed the part when she cried, "I'm going to miss my Junto induction and subsequent hike through the woods!! How can you deny me this?! The RED FOX will not be happy when he hears of this, and he will send his nefarious FOX KIT minions to do unthinkable things to you!" IMHO, this makes the whole episode moderately understandable.
