Thursday, April 30, 2009

In honor of KLIMDAY / MAYDAY

Yes, the JUNTO's beloved RED FOX AKA KLIM has a birthday today, May 1st. To honor the occasion, we wish to celebrate one of his stupider moments caught on film. Actually, it's rather tame and I am sure there are many stupider moments on film, but this is one of the best I have to offer.

In Idaho on a ski trip, at the saloun on trivia night, RED FOX decided to show his skill in making hats, a la one of the haberdashers of olden tymes. Many don't know that the RED FOX himself spun many a coonskin cap for notorious and heroic frontiersman, war heroes, crime bosses, and early magnates alike-- all over the U.S. of A-- to include Daniel Boone, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Lewis, Clark, Boss Tweed, John Calhoun, Robert E. Lee, and Eminem. As an old-tyme haberdasher of the 18th century from the nor'eastuhn corner of ye olde Tennessee, RED FOX demonstrates in this video his skills in hat-making to the brewers, fronstiersmen, telemarkers, hunters, huntresses, and Injuns of the Idaho frontier.

WARNING: Haberdasher in action! For those young haberdashers still learning, note the importance of the following tips in successfully fashioning a good hat:
1) Whistle continuously with no tune while spinning the hat under construction
2) Be sure to shuffle your beer and other hat construction materials from side to side as you work
3) Rub your hands together from time to time
4) Hold a finger up to "shush" observers and hold them at bay if they are trying to distract you
5) Upon trying on your hat, rub hands through fur or felt to assure quality
6) Wear appropriate attire when making hats-- preferably a leather cowboy coat with leather strings hanging from the sleeves
7) ALWAYS, ALWAYS look very surprised when a hat materializes from under the table... er, from your work bench

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Beast, Part II

UPDATE: CHRIS BAIN (Stupidblogged upon several days ago) IS THE BEAST OF BEASTS AND IS NO LONGER WORTHY OF MENTION ON STUPIDBLOG, BUT IN THE "HALL OF HEROES" ON THE WASHINGTON JUNTO WEBSITE ( IN HIS OWN WORDS: "You won't believe this.... I just ran a PR--2:31:06 and took 4th place. I'm now officially a millionaire in Korea.

The trip so far has been amazing. The hospitality has been unbelievable; truly elite treatment for us invitedd runners. Tomorrow all of the other athletes head home and I head off into other parts of Korea."
(No doubt on a victory tour to high-five the locals, build some schools for impoverished children of rice paddy-tenders, and to negotiate an end to the PRK's nuke weapon programme).

Please note, Bain ran 2:36 for 26.2 LESS THAN a week ago!!

Dance Fatale

Stupidest of all stupids

I'm remiss on posting stupid things on STUPIDBLOG. Have no fear, stupid things have been happening and, more importantly, have been being documented! I've just been tied up with things like GTWD and actually performing stupid actions, so have not been able to stupidly blog.

I know that many of you have seen the story on the guy who DUI'd on the motorized barstool, but it's worth a mention on STUPIDBLOG, the only corner of cyberspace where you get the flavor of LAHP, PLATINUM, and SNOW's stupid observations! Enjoy.

-----Original Message-----
From: L to the AHP
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 12:21 PM
Subject: Re:

Yeah..that is faster than us on bikes going downhill. Imagine riding that thing drunk?! The pic definitely made the story!

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:19 AM, PLATINUM wrote:

yea the PIC is HILARIOUS and 38 mph WTF! faster than ME AND LAHP ON BIKES. scary


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:14 PM, SNOW wrote:

SLAM-DUNK! I was not going to post on this, but now that I've seen details of the bar-stool's speed (38mph), locomotion (modified lawn-mower motor), and appearance (ridonkulous picture), it's worthy of posting on stupidblog!


-----Original Message-----

From: L to the AHP
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 12:03 PM
Subject: Re:

Here is a Wednesday morning present for your stupid blog. I heard about it on NPR. I'm not sure this is the caliber of stupidity you are looking for, but i sprayed coffee all over myself this morning while listening.

L to the AHP

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Beast

BAIN. The mild-mannered computer programmer, the Boston lifer, Silent Thunder, the legend. He crushes the feared Boston Marathon course on MONDAY in 2:36, then flies to South Korea for a SATURDAY marathon. Folks, that’s 2:36 of pain, begin “recovery,” fly home to DC, board a plane to Seoul, fly 24 hours, LOSE A DAY, and run another marathon on THREE DAYS REST! This man is one bad mutha, getting the work done in mad fashion. His toughness is undeniable. His will is enviable. But his plan for one hell-week of cross-continental marathon dominance— is that just stupid? Only Saturday (and the next month) will tell.

GODSPEED, BAIN. We at STUPIDBLOG wish you the best!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Is this JARRIN?????

Taken from today's DRUDGE Report. I had thought JARRIN was running Boston today, but I guess not...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Left Hand, meet Right Hand."

I ran across this in a briefing I pulled off the internet when I was researching some stuff at work. So hilarious for us in the military culture, but so true and typical of DOD! And if different branches of DOD have this much trouble talking to each other, it's no wonder we *all* have a hard time agreeing on one path forward.

Yes, imagine the results if you had a true, joint operation with four units (preferably all officers, no enlisted) from four services trying to "secure" a building. Mass confusion! Trained commandos with Masters degrees sprinting around aimlessly with clipboards and semi-automatics. Stupid!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

These are hysterical...

April Fool's from my company.
In 2008 we unveiled the "HandSolo"

And in 2009, the "Convergence Program"



April Fools Joke from Gmail